一个人游城市。很精彩 self-touring in city

早上弄了早餐带去上班(赶工咯),接近三点就到tropicana city跟一位小妹妹ai-yoyo拿我向她买的口金.  她还送我包扣胚呢! 谢谢~
What an interesting Saturday. Due to unfinished work, I had to grab my sandwich and went back to office yesterday to work. I left at 3pm to meet Ai-yoyo as I wanted to buy DIY  stuff from her.


我还没吃午餐的, 但只想吃小食, 看到可爱的ninja joe.
This is my light & easy lunch at Ninja Joe.
It's mashed potatoes+pork nugget.

我再看板上看到mashed potatoes and pork nugget, 好像不错. 这包pork nugget出炉后, 我继续等. 结果店员看着我, 说可以拿去享用了. 我说我在等mashed potatoes, 她指着nugget, 意思是在里面了. 这时我才恍然大悟, 原来是potato+pork nugget. 好糗~

把车放在lrt station, 乘lrt去pasar seni 走走看看新年气氛, 再乘巴士到times square, 走去shaw parade的豆原.
Then I parked my car at lrt station to catch lrt, heading to Petaling Street.
Just to witness Chinese new year feel there.

很有咖啡味的一家咖啡厅. 豆原的人很亲切, 让我点了咖啡后, 还让我看和尝咖啡豆, 再请我去柜台看我的咖啡的制作过程, 还不厌其烦的回答我的问题.
After that, I took a bus to this unique cafe, Typica Cafe. It's located in Shaw Parade.
I chose my choice of coffee from menu with the help of one of the barista, then I was invited to have a look at how my coffee being processed at the counter. I was allowed to ask questions too.
What a cool experience, huh.

手作咖啡送来咯, 我试了曼特宁, 对我来说有点酸, 我较喜欢甘苦的.
还有帮我配的蛋糕. 好好吃~
Here's my coffee and cake. The coffee was a little sour to my liking, as I prefer bitter with a little natural sweetness flavour. I'd like to try cappuccino when I visit again next time. That's my default choice whenever I visit cafe.

下次我再来试我default的选择-cappuccino. =)

趁天黑之前, 我离开豆原到一家有机店去. 就在kimarie的隔邻.
Before the night came, I left this cafe to an organic shop and cafe near BB Plaza.

上一次经过发现了它, 就决定下次要来光顾.


我点的tofu sandwich. 很扎实. 饱了.
This is my tofu sandwich, which was a fulfilling one. yummy too.

这时要去的才是今天的重点-去The Actors Studio看舞蹈表演.
叫做moves & sorts, 由mydance alliance呈献的. 也因为我是mydance member, 所以免费入场哦~
Then only came to the time, my main reason coming to KL -watched dance show "Moves & Sorts" presented by Mydance Alliance. It's a bi-monthly experimental performing art series, called FUSED series.
The next performance is scheduled to present by early April.

左边的是其中一支舞蹈Strings的作品.我用slr纪录那支舞蹈, 等迟些再分享.
右边是belly dance, 可能不对我胃口, 觉得有少少闷, 其他三支现代舞都好精彩!
It was a great night with great performances, especially contemporary dance. I was impressed! 
I'm looking forward to see the next performance already~ =)



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