Life changing decision

I worked as an interior designer for 4 years before I quit my job in year 2011 to work as a freelancer, which was never in my plan that way.
I thought to own a business and work for myself is kinda cool, but I also thought that it won't happen to me.
Until one day, my ex-boss asked me if I was interested to work with her on some projects on freelance basis, I wasn't too keen initially. But after discussions with some closed friends, I decided to give it a try. Well, I've got nothing to lose actually, I don't have to fork out big money to invest except I have to be financially ready for this. You know, when there's no job, I need to live with my savings.

That's how I started working from home 9 years ago. And I enjoyed it.

That was when I got more time for myself (I mean flexible) where I could arrange my schedule to learn something new or do personal projects. I continued with my dance class, I learned playing the guitar, I attended some coffee workshops, I learned pottery too. I went to cafes (to work) very often that I built some networks there.

My favourite cafe back then, Coffee Familie.
They are now expended to The Roast Things, Cream and TGT in life.

In year 2014, I traveled to a few places which were the life events that changed my life too.

I went to Nepal Poon Hill trekking trip in April 2014, which was the first trip of the year that made me think about life.
Are we happy? Do we have enough? Should we be satisfied with what we have?
Material or life experience?

One month later, I went to Foshan, China with my clients to help them choosing new furniture for their new home. It was an eye opening one, and also again made me think more.
Do we need this much in life? Are the things we spend on worthwhile? Are we happy to own so many things? 

This Europe trip for 3 weeks made me think even more, and that was when I decided to do changes in life. A shopping trend in Paris shocked me so much, and I promised to myself I won't allow it happens to me ever again. 
Then, some thoughts arise: do we need this much of luxury? What does money bring? Do we need to use other people to gain something for ourselves?

I went back to work as an employee the next year, but in a totally different field. I was like a newbie all over again. Of course, my income cut to almost half. At the age of 32, I guess that was a daring move but I don't regret it. I meant to gain experience to go into new business, and I did make it clear to my employer of the time, they were quite supportive. They still are until today. I appreciate it very much.

It's been the 4th year of my current business this year, and I'm still working on it. And I'm lucky that I've been on work from home mode since last year so my daily lives are not much affected by the pandemic now.

But I have a plan -to live a self sustainable life. I'm looking forward to the days I have a small farmhouse to live and to have vegetable patches, fruit trees and a baking room with a hand built oven.
It's not gonna be easy too, but I have faith.


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