Reading book list 2016

My reading list was in a mix of languages. 
Some are my own books while some I borrowed from friends.

1. 给自己的10样人生礼物 -褚士瑩
I borrowed this book from the library inside a yoga centre, Journey Within.
It's a collection of his articles published in magazine.

2. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland -Lewis Carroll
My sister's collection.

3. Through The Looking Glass -Lewis Carroll
My sister's collection.

4. 手冲咖啡 -丑小鸭课室

5. 北海道央男子休日 -男子休日委员会
My sister's collection.

6. The Monocle 100
My sister's collection.

7. 给未来的旅行者 -蓝白拖
Borrowed from a friend.
Not my type, I prefer the one (book no. 13 in my list) from the same author.

8. 梦想很近,开一家人气面包店 -由川美由
I bought the book from Cite Bookstore.
I read it before from colleague. then I decided to keep one for myself.

9. A World Without Bees -Alison Benjamin & Brian McCallum 
I borrowed the book from Justlife office.
Good read.

10. The Outsiders -Albert Camus
I found it on the bookrack inside the house I stayed in Hurdal Ecovillage, Norway.
Good read.

11. 俄罗斯的鸣响雪松 -弗拉狄米爾.米格烈(Vladimir Megre)著,王文瑜、王上豪译
My ex-colleague recommended this book.

12. 咖啡飘香100年 -田口護
I bought it from Cite Bookstore.

13. 给回来的旅行者 -蓝白拖
Borrowed from a friend.

14. 言花 -魏如萱
Borrowed from a friend.

15. 家餐厅。一个人好/不寂寞 -小野
Borrowed from a friend.

16. The Alchemist -Paulo Coelho
My sister's collection.


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